Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Connected Are You with Your Child

 Read each question carefully and be honest in your answers. After you have finished then evaluate where you are and where you need to go from here.

Do you know any of your child’s friends?

 I do not know a single one. I see my child hang out with other kids, but I do not know them or their names.(   )

I know my child’s best friend, but I’m not that familiar with the other kids they hang with. (   )

I make a point to know the friends in my child’s life. I know their names and I have met their parents.

(   )

What is your child’s favorite band?

 The Rolling Stones? I have no idea! Today’s music just confuses me. (   )

I see the posters all over my child’s room, and I hear music down the hall, but I really don’t pay much attention. (   )

It’s not my kind of music, but I know what my child is in to. I listen to the lyrics and the message presented. I’m very careful about what I let my child be exposed to. (   )

Do you know any of your child’s teachers?

 No. I’m busy with my work and I consider education the responsibility of my child. Just bring home A’s.

(   )

I went to orientation at the start of the school year, but have not been engaged since then. I could name a couple probably. (   )

Yes. I attend orientation and parent/teacher conferences, and I follow the progress of my child online.(  )

Do you know your child’s worries?

 I could only guess. We don’t usually talk about things like that. (   )

I think I have an idea but it’s hard to get my child to open up. (   )

Yes. We talk on a regular basis about concerns and things that might be troubling. (   )

Do you know if your child has a boyfriend/girlfriend?

 I am not aware. I can’t bear the thought of knowing. (   )

 I hear them talk about it, but I never ask details. (   )

 Yes I know. It’s very important to me to have that knowledge. (   )

Do you know what your child does online?

 No. Who has time to keep up with that? (   )

 We have talked about certain websites and about safety, but other than that I let them have their freedom. (   )

 Yes. I do my very best to know my child’s online activity. (   )

Do you know your child’s gifts and nurture them?

 I just want them to be like all the other kids. (   )

 I know my son/daughter has special talents, but I’m not real sure what they are. (   )

 Yes I do and I allow them the opportunity to develop and express them. (   )

Are you aware of your child’s bad habits?

 My child is perfect, thank goodness. (   )

 I notice them, but nobody is perfect and I just accept it. (   )

 Yes and I work with my child in those areas to help them improve. (   )

Have a productive day with your family…

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